Find a Job That’s Right for You
Programs that may help you find job opportunities and receive employment.
Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program
Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program provides a six-week summer employment opportunity, as well as work-readiness training, to disadvantaged youth, ages 14 to 21 years.
Pennsylvania CareerLink
Pennsylvania CareerLink helps people find jobs, create a resume, holds workshops, career counseling and other assistance to kickstart your career.
Partner4Work is the workforce development organization that connects funding, expertise and opportunities for employers, job seekers, agencies, and policymakers to develop a thriving workforce in the Pittsburgh area.
Self-Sufficiency Programs
Self-Sufficiency Programs is for adults who have barriers to getting or holding a job.
Pennsylvania CareerLink
Pennsylvania CareerLink helps people find jobs, create a resume, holds workshops, career counseling and other assistance to kickstart your career.
Partner4Work is the workforce development organization that connects funding, expertise and opportunities for employers, job seekers, agencies, and policymakers to develop a thriving workforce in the Pittsburgh area.
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. For more information, please contact:
Employment OID
Contact Employment OID for more information.
- Inform your support coordinator that you'd like to start working or volunteering.
ACHIEVA’s Supported Employment
ACHIEVA’s Supported Employment will focus on community employment and participation opportunities as well as the businesses ACHIEVA currently operates: pallet manufacturing, packaging and assembly, landscaping and snow removal and cleaning and janitorial services.
Life’s Work of Western PA Career Connections
Life’s Work of Western PA Career Connections provides opportunity, employment and independence to more than 2,000 individuals each year. Life’s Work serves individuals with disabilities, both adults and youth, as well as people with other barriers to employment, including at-risk youth, single parents and people transitioning off public assistance.
Mercy Behavioral Health
1-877-637-2924 or Email
Mercy Behavioral Health offers many employment programs for adults with intellectual disabilities.
Milestone Centers, Inc.
Milestone Centers, Inc. provides services since 1991 in all areas of Allegheny County, assists adults with a wide variety of behavioral health and intellectual challenges in securing and maintaining employment in the community.
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough (Formerly Mon Yough Community Services)
UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Mon Yough (Formerly Mon Yough Community Services), Supported Employment offers an array of day programs to support individuals with disabilities to obtain community participation, vocational, and employment opportunities.
Peoples Oakland
Peoples Oakland is a private non-profit agency established by local residents as a community, planning and organizing agency.
Turtle Creek Valley MH/MR, Inc., Employment Services
Turtle Creek Valley MH/MR, Inc., Employment Services offers ongoing support with no time restrictions and emphasizes full and active involvement of the individual in all phases of the process, emphasizing individual choice at all times.
Help keep your TANF benefits while working toward employment.
- Sign up for EARN with help from your County Assistance Office (CAO) caseworker.
Work Ready SNAP
Are you unemployed or underemployed? Are you single, with no dependents and no disabilities? You may qualify for the Work Ready SNAP program.
- Sign up with help from your County Assistance Office (CAO) caseworker.
Career Opportunities with DHS
Career opportunities with DHS have an ongoing need to hire qualified Pennsylvanians to provide service and leadership for its varied and diverse programs.
Employment to Children in Low-Income Communities (KEYS)
Employment to children in low-income communities (KEYS) is the national service movement that provides thousands of American adults of all ages and backgrounds with an education award and real-world experience in exchange for a defined term of service.