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Public Safety

HACP’s Public Safety Department

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strives to provide peaceful, safe and enjoyable communities for Low-Income Housing, Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8), and Scattered Sites residents. HACP’s Public Safety Department works closely with local law enforcement agencies. It assists in both the apprehension and prosecution of criminal offenders and takes independent action when necessary against criminals who perpetrate crimes against the Housing Authority and its residents. It is responsible for tracking public safety-related activity including, but not limited to, that which is criminal in nature. It ensures that all information is relayed to the appropriate agency.

The Public Safety Department establishes its own eyes in its Low-Income-Housing communities through the use of state-of-the-art camera surveillance systems. This technology aids the efforts of police in apprehending individuals engaged in criminal activity in addition to deterring future crime. It also institutes other safety measures such as electronic key entry into its high-rises and armed security personnel. The Public Safety Department regulates Housing Authority communities by maintaining a monthly exclusion list.  Listed in this document are those individuals not permitted on Housing Authority property due to criminal activity. Residents can assist the Public Safety Department’s efforts by calling 911 to report the presence of any of these excluded individuals in their communities.

Silent Complaints

The Public Safety Department utilizes all resources at its disposal to carry out its mission. By far, the most useful asset in accomplishing its goals are the residents themselves. The Public Safety Department believes that the very people it is tasked to protect are an instrumental factor in the stability of safe and vibrant communities and therefore it challenges them to share in this responsibility. If you have witnessed a crime, or have information about criminal activity in your community, you can report it on a completely anonymous basis by using one of the HACP’s Silent Complaint Forms.

Anonymous Tip Line & Bully Tip Line
Callers can anonymously report criminal activity or bullying via the Anonymous Tip Line and the Bully Tip Line.

Please call 911 for emergencies. To reach the Mayor’s Response Line, call 311 for non-emergencies.

Any other safety-related questions or concerns should be directed to:
Public Safety Office
412 Boulevard of the Allies, 5th Floor, Suite 522
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

412-456-5000, ext. 2801 or Email

Petition for Removal from the Exclusion List

Current residents in good standing may petition to have excluded individuals removed from the Exclusion List. Applicants should complete the relevant sections of the Petition for Removal from Exclusion List Form and return it to the Public Safety Department for consideration.

Fraud Prevention Program

The Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA) and the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) have entered into a partnership to investigate fraud.

If you see fraud being committed by a patron of the ACHA or the HACP, whether the actor participates in Low Income Public Housing (LIPH) or the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), please use this form to report the fraud to the Allegheny County Housing Authority’s Fraud Investigation Unit. Our Police Department will follow up on all reports of fraudulent activity. You are not required to give us your name, but please do leave your phone number so we may be able to reach you for any additional information we may request.

Allegheny County Sheriff’s Most Wanted List

In response to a recent outcry from citizens denouncing gun violence and imploring action to be taken to stop the bloodshed in our communities, Sheriff William Mullen has established the Sheriff’s Office’s Firearms Violation Fugitives Web page. The Web page, which will be permanently featured on the Sheriff’s Office website, provides the photographs, descriptions, and charges of all new offenders wanted for firearm-related crimes.

Keep track of the most wanted firearms violations fugitives by visiting the webpage of the Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office.