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Site Requirements

Web Browser

This site has been developed to perform best when viewed with Mozilla Firefox 4 or higherGoogle ChromeSafari, or Internet Explorer 7 or higher. The site is also functional on smartphones and tablet devices.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Many files on the HACP website are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in. Adobe files can be viewed best by using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is free and can be downloaded from Adobe’s website.


You should have JavaScript enabled when using the HACP website. If your browser is Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, JavaScript is active by default.

Screen Resolution

This site is best viewed with 1440 x 900 screen resolution. A minimum of 1024 x 768 screen resolution should be used when viewing this website. Please refer to your computer’s documentation to find out more about changing your screen resolution.