For the last 39 years, Bethlehem Haven has provided nearly 13,000 nights of shelter, every night, and the need continues to grow. Each year, the Haven provides nearly 60,000 meals; sees around 600 men and women in the health and wellness clinic; fills countless physical and emotional needs for our residents and day program attendees; and provides employment training for more than 100 men and women in the community.

Emergency Housing Services
Find a Safe Place to Stay
Resources for families, men, women and victims of domestic violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Homeless Shelter Directory
Visit the website to learn more.
Big Burgh
The Big Burgh is a mobile-optimized web site that pulls together the services that can help the homeless (or those at risk of being homeless) in the City of Pittsburgh.
Contact Allegheny Link
Human Services Building
One Smithfield Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Monday through Friday
- 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Homeless Shelter Directory
Visit the website to learn more.
Big Burgh
The Big Burgh is a mobile-optimized web site that pulls together the services that can help the homeless (or those at risk of being homeless) in the City of Pittsburgh.
Homeless Men
Light of Life Emergency Shelter
10 East North Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Handicap Accessible: No
Notes: Arrive by 6:30 PM - Walk Ins Offered After Roll Call
Oftentimes, when a man comes to the doors of Light of Life, he feels hopeless and is hurting from past traumas, addictions or other difficult life situations. There are various programs for men who are homeless and looking for help, ranging from shorter-stay work programs to longer-term recovery programs for those with greater needs.
Pleasant Valley
1601 Brighton Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Handicap Accessible: Yes
- Call to hold bed 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
- Intake 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
The Pleasant Valley Men’s Shelter accommodates the needs of 25 men who are homeless every night of the year. The Shelter opens daily at 4:30 p.m. and provides residents with safe, secure sleeping quarters, a hot shower, and a warm evening meal. In addition, the NCM staff – Case Manager, Program Director, and Shelter Monitors – assist the men as they work toward stability and independence by providing various services.
Homeless Women
Bethlehem Haven
905 Watson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Genesis of Pittsburgh
Pregnant Women Only
185 Dakota Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Handicap Accessible: No
Project Journey
Women Veterans Only
412-481-8200, ext. 216
Multiple Locations in Pittsburgh
Handicap Accessible: No
Project Journey is a unique housing model that provides immediate shelter to women Veterans for 30-90 days while offering intensive case management services.
Homeless Men & Women
East End Cooperative Ministry Shelter
412-345-7135 (Emergency Shelter)
412-345-7160 (Recovery House)
6140 Station Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Handicap Accessible: Yes
For many of the individuals it serves, EECM provides the necessities of life: a hot meal, a safe, place to sleep, food for the family. For others, it is a place to regain strength after a hospital stay, a support system to work toward recovery, or one-on-one help to change life for the better.
Ages 18-24 Years Only
1601 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Familylinks serves more than 9,300 of western Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens each year, transforming lives through a wide range of vital services.
McKeesport Downtown Housing
523 Sinclair Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
Handicap Accessible: Yes
- Intakes 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Monday through Friday / Walk-In or Call
McKeesport Downtown Housing, formerly a YMCA, is an 84-unit SRO for people at risk of homelessness.
Victims of Domestic Violence
Alle-Kiski HOPE Center
Victims of Domestic Violence Only
Confidential address
Handicap Accessible: No
- Please call crisis line available 24/7
The Alle-Kiski Area HOPE Center, Inc. is an organization of social change whose mission is the safe elimination of domestic violence through intervention, prevention, and collaboration.
Center for Victims
Victims of Domestic Violence Only
Confidential address
Handicap Accessible: Yes
- Please call crisis line available 24/7
Center for Victims (CV) is a community based nonprofit organization and the largest, most comprehensive, inclusive provider of services, advocacy, and education for victims of all crime in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Women Center and Shelter
Victims of Domestic Violence Only
Confidential address
Handicap Accessible: Yes
- Please call crisis line available 24/7
Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh is more than an emergency shelter for women experiencing domestic violence and their children. It is a safe harbor that provides specialized care and support for women who have experienced all types of intimate partner violence from physical to emotional through Emergency Shelter, Legal Advocacy, a 24-Hour Hotline, Support Groups and more.
Big Burgh
The Big Burgh is a mobile-optimized website that pulls together the services that can help the homeless (or those at risk of being homeless) in the City of Pittsburgh.
For Men
McKeesport Downtown Housing Severe Weather Emergency Shelter
523 Sinclair Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
- Open on nights when temperatures are at 25 degrees or below, freezing precipitation, wind or other severe weather forecasts.
- 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM
Get directions
For Women
Mercy Care Center
Please call the Mercy Care Center at 412-498-0908. Do NOT go to the men's shelter.
McKeesport Downtown Housing Severe Weather Emergency Shelter
523 Sinclair Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
- Open on nights when temperatures are at 25 degrees or below, freezing precipitation, wind or other severe weather forecasts.
- 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM
Get directions
- All guests must abide by established safety rules.
- Guests who seem to be dangerous will either not be allowed to come in or be told to leave.
- On-site security is provided by Allegheny County police.
People Fleeing Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
National Domestic Violence Hotline answers the call to support and shift power back to people affected by relationship abuse. Locate the shelter closest to you.
Women’s Center & Shelter
For more than 40 years, Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh has been a leader in providing safety, shelter, support and guidance to all victims of domestic violence.
Center for Victims
Center for Victims is a community based nonprofit organization and the largest, most comprehensive, inclusive provider of services, advocacy, and education for victims of all crime in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Alle-Kiski Hope Center
The Alle-Kiski Area HOPE Center, Inc. offers supportive services, opportunities for healing, and community education to assist victims, and end violence and abuse.
Nationwide Homeless Veterans Hotline
The Nationwide Homeless Veterans Crisis Line is a free, anonymous, confidential resource that’s available to anyone, even if you’re not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care.
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
1-866-482-7488 or 412-328-0697
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System offers specialized programs for homeless Veterans, serves hundreds of thousands of homeless and at-risk Veterans each year.
Veterans Leadership Program
Veterans Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania is to provide essential housing, employment, and vital support services to eligible local Veterans, service members, and their families with the goal of improving their self-sufficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.
We Soldier On
Soldier On is a private nonprofit organization committed to ending veteran homelessness. Since 1994, the organization has been providing homeless veterans with transitional housing and supportive services.
Youth Ages 18 to 24 Years Old
412 YouthZone
Auberle's 412 Youth Zone is a safe and welcome one-stop center for young people ages 16-23 that are transitioning out of the foster care system and are eligible for independent living services or are experiencing unstable housing.