Northview Heights Mid-Rise
HACP is planning the construction of a new Mid-Rise community in Northview Heights. The 87-unit replacement building will include a wide range of proposed amenities, including:
- Communal decks
- Community room with a kitchen
- Computer lab
- Exercise room
- Patio terrace with views
The development process will engage residents and ensure that the new Northview Heights Mid-Rise not only meets their needs, but exceeds their expectations and improves their quality of life.
Meeting Schedule
Date | Time | Location |
November | TBD. | TBD |
More Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Whatever relocation option is selected by residents, the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) will cover the costs for moving and related items for all eligible residents in accordance with 24 CFR Section 970.
Washers and dryers will be located in a common area laundry facility within the new building.
HACP takes this attempt as serious as the last attempt in 2016-2018. The next major milestone to be reached in this new version of the development is the submission of a tax exempt bond allocation/low income housing tax credit application, which will generate a significant amount of development fund, to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency in June 2021.
HACP will continue to enforce its agency-wide policy of screening all new applicants in accordance with its Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy. Criminal background checks and rental history clearances are required prior to new applicants moving into any of HACP’s rental units across the city.
The new building will serve households where the head of household, spouse or co-head of household must be 62 year old or older or disabled.
Scattered-Sites falls under the public housing program and these units are managed by HACP. Scattered-Sites are single family homes, duplexes, triplexes located throughout the City of Pittsburgh. Although the units are not located in a public housing community, the units are still owned and operated by HACP. In the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, also known as Section 8 Voucher, residents are offered a voucher, and the voucher holder can search for housing in the private market. If accepted, the private market landlord will rent to that family while HACP pay a portion of the monthly rent. HCV tenant will be assisted by HUD HCV program outside of HUD public housing program.
No, the voucher is “portable” which means that a resident can live anywhere in the United States as long as that landlord agrees to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher program with that resident.
HACP estimates that there might be less than 10 residents who might wish to move to other senior apartments subsidized by HACP or HCV tenant based voucher program. HACP has many housing options and housing partners throughout the city that will provide our senior residents of Northview High-Rise with homes that best meet their needs. HACP relocation staff will continue to work with each and every resident of Northview High-rise throughout the relocation process to ensure every resident is satistified with their choice of relocation housing. Please contact Cassandra Palmer, HACP Relocation Specialist at -------------------(phone number), if you have any additional relocation-related questions.
250 Penfort Street – Northview Heights.
Four floors.
Yes, there will be 36 one-bedroom units and 7 two-bedroom units.
The new owner will be an affiliate of HACP. The owner will enter into a long-term ground lease with HACP. HACP will continue to be the owner of the ground.
The design of the building is still in the early stages. That suggestion will be given to HACP leadership and passed on to the architect, if appropriate.
Yes. Residents can participate in the design process in two ways: 1) attend future resident meetings to review and give feedback on the architectural plans, and 2) volunteer to be a part of the Resident Advisory Committee. This committee will serve as a liaison between HACP and residents who are unable to attend resident meetings but who are still interested in giving their feedback.
The design of the building is still in the early stages .That suggestion will be given to HACP leadership and passed on to the architect, if appropriate.
Yes, the units will be right-sized. If an appropriately-sized unit is available based on your household size needs, HACP must transfer current residents that are under-housed or over-housed into a unit within the new development that is appropriate for your household.
There will be a space designed in the new building to accommodate a security guard in the new building. The decision as to if there will be a guard stationed in the building and how many hours that guard will be on duty is still being discussed internally at HACP.
There will be thirty-nine (39) parking spaces at the new building. The spaces will be for residents and visitors of the building
Yes, all of the existing residents will be given priority over applicants that do not currently reside in the Northview Heights High-rise. However, due to the number of existing residents currently residing in the high-rise as compared to the number of units that will be available in the new building, there is a possibility that not all of the existing residents may be able to move into the new building. However, HACP will work with each resident to develop and individual relocation plan for each existing Northview Heights High-rise household.
The design of the building is still in the early stages, however that suggestion will be given to HACP leadership and passed on to the architect, if appropriate.