House outline blue

Manchester Redevelopment

HACP is currently planning for the rehabilitation of the 86 Manchester Commons units to address necessary capital improvements including, but not limited to the repair and/or replacement of:

  • roof
  • furnaces and water heaters
  • exterior deck
  • kitchen & bathroom cabinets and countertops
  • flooring

This Manchester Redevelopment will preserve the current affordability of all 86 units and secure the funding needed to make the major improvements.

Meeting Schedule

DateDescriptionLocationTime(s)Mailing DateSupporting Documents
Dec 10, 2019RAD Introduction MeetingMCC1pm and 6pmDec 2, 2019Flyer
Dec 11, 2019RAD Introduction MeetingMCC1pm and 6pmDec 2, 2019Flyer
Feb 8, 2020RAD Introduction MeetingMCC1pmJan 30, 2020Flyer
Feb 10, 2020RAD Introduction MeetingMCC6pmJan 30, 2020Flyer
Apr 21, 2020RAD Relocation MeetingVirtual/MailingAnytimeApr 9, 2020Flyer
Aug 19, 2020RAD Relocation MeetingSedgwick Street (Outdoors)1pmAug 7, 2020Flyer
Aug 20, 2020RAD Relocation MeetingSedgwick Street (Outdoors)6pmAug 7, 2020Flyer
Aug 22, 2020RAD Relocation MeetingSedgwick Street (Outdoors)1pmAug 7, 2020Flyer
Mar 3, 2021Design Development Review and VoteMCC2:30pmFeb 18, 2021Flyer
Mar 4, 2021Design Development Review and VoteMCC6pmFeb 18, 2021Flyer
Mar 6, 2021Design Development Review and VoteMCC1pmFeb 18, 2021Flyer
Oct 13, 2021RAD Relocation Meeting and VoteMCC (Outdoors)11am and 6pmOct 15, 2021Flyer

Resident Information Notices

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the rehabilitation take?

The rehabilitation of all 86 units will take approximately 12-15 months total. The rehabilitation of each individual unit should take approximately 3 months.

Will all of the units be remodeled, or just some?

All 86 units require repairs, so all units will be included in the rehabilitation.

If my unit doesn’t need that much work, having only minor repairs, will I be able to stay in my property during the rehabilitation?

The rehabilitation work will require temporary relocation.

If my unit currently needs maintenance, will I have to wait until the rehabilitation starts, or can the repairs be addressed before construction?

Current maintenance requests will not be put on hold. Please call 412-456-5226 for any maintenance needs.

How long will temporary relocation last?

Approximately 3 months.

What will the rehab include?

The moderate rehabilitation of the units will include, but may not be limited to:

  • Kitchen cabinets and countertops upgrade
  • Bathroom cabinets, tub/shower, toilet, hardware upgrade
  • Painting, flooring, lighting, plumbing fixtures upgrade
  • Removal of carpets
  • Roof repair or replacement
  • Furnace repair or replacement
  • Water heater repair or replacement
  • Basement repair, as required

We encourage you to inform us of your recommendations for improvements to your unit so that those items can be added for consideration to the scope of work for the rehabilitation.

What was the scoring from the home inspections?

There was no scoring or grade provided after the units were inspected. For this inspection, recommendations for improvements to each unit were provided.

Does the rehabilitation mean that our property will be torn down and rebuilt or completely remodeled? Did the home inspector recommend in his reports that anything would be demolished?

The home inspector’s recommendations did not include demolition. The rehabilitation will include upgrades, repairs, and improvements to your unit. The properties will not be torn down.

Will the construction for the redevelopment happen in phases, or by street? How will we know and when will this happen?

A phasing plan for the redevelopment has yet to be determined; though, we intend to have regular meetings with residents to keep you informed of this plan.

Will there be any African American contractors working on the rehabilitation?

It is the policy of HACP to ensure that Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women-Owned Businesses (WBEs) are provided the maximum opportunity to participate in our contracts.

HACP supports the minimum goals of 18% of MBE participation and 7% WBE participation and strongly encourages the use of MBEs and WBEs in all contracts.

Are there any new requirements or stipulations that may exclude current residents from returning to the redevelopment?

There will be no involuntary displacement of the current residents as a consequence of the Manchester Redevelopment. Current residents have the right to return to the redeveloped property.

Will all residents receive the same treatment no matter how long they have been living in Manchester?

The rehabilitation plan is based on the needs of the unit, it will not be based on the length of time that residents have lived in Manchester.

Are we guaranteed to be able to return to our current unit that we will temporarily move from for the rehabilitation after the construction work is complete? Why or why not?

As a current resident, you are guaranteed the right to move back to the redeveloped property in Manchester once the rehabilitation work is complete; though, there is no guarantee that you will be able to move back into the same unit that you are currently living in.

HACP will review different factors including your family composition and reasonable accommodation needs through a one-on-one survey/needs assessment that our Relocation Specialist will conduct with you.

Will you be down-sizing (right-sizing) the units?

Yes, the units will be right-sized.  If an appropriately-sized unit is available based on your household size needs, HACP must transfer current residents that are under-housed or over-housed into a unit within the redevelopment that is appropriate for your household upon your return to the redeveloped property.

Since current residents have the right to return to the redeveloped property and right-sizing for all units may not be possible, HACP may temporarily over-house households until an appropriately-sized unit within the development becomes available for those households to transfer into

If my needs don’t change, can I move back into my current unit?

As a current resident, you are guaranteed the right to move back to the development in Manchester once the rehabilitation work is complete; though, there is no guarantee that you will be able to move back into the same unit that you are currently living in.

Will RAD cause an 30% increase in rent?

RAD will only affect those residents currently paying flat rent. After the RAD conversion, residents currently paying flat rent will be required to pay 30% of their household income, which may result in an increase in rent. The amount of this increase will vary based on the income of the household. Any rent increase of more than $25.00 or 10% will be phased in.

Who is handling the project and who will be doing the construction/rehabilitation work?

The residents’ point of contact for the redevelopment is both:

Mackenzie Pleskovic                                       Barbara Coffee

Development Manager                                    Community Program Liaison

412-643-2933                                                  412-643-2846            

You will be assigned a Relocation Specialist in the coming months for the survey/needs assessment.  At this time, we do not know who will be responsible for the construction work.  We will share the additional members of the Development Team as the team is assembled.

Will we all have the same relocation specialist and will they help us find new housing?

Yes. All residents will have the same relocation specialist, Ms. Cassandra Palmer.

When will you provide us with relocation options and when will we have to relocate?

The relocation will not take place until 2021. A phasing plan for the redevelopment has yet to be determined; though, we intend to have regular meetings with residents to keep you informed of this plan.

Will there be multiple relocation options, or properties, available for residents to choose where they will be relocated? What areas will be provided?

For all residents who are temporarily relocated, we will collect your feedback regarding the areas/locations you would prefer to move to/live in.

For residents who choose to move permanently from the Manchester Redevelopment and not return to the redeveloped property, HACP will review different factors including your family composition and reasonable accommodation needs to assist residents in locating a new unit.

Will the relocation options be HUD properties or privately-owned properties? Will there be temporary relocation options in Manchester?

At this time, HACP has not finalized any decisions regarding the relocation options that will be available to residents.  Your relocation options may or may not include HUD properties and/or privately-owned properties located in Manchester.

Will all of the relocation options be within city limits?

Yes, all temporary relocation options will be within city limits.

Will residents with children and grandchildren be able to stay within their current school district, or do they have to transfer to wherever they are relocated?

Temporary relocation will last 3 months, at most. HACP will work with each family to understand your needs and apply the necessary resources to minimize the impact to your family.

Do we have to pay for the move, store our own things, and move ourselves when it comes time to relocate, or will that be provided by HACP?

In no instance will the residents carry the financial burden or coordination of the relocation. Your relocation needs will be determined through the one-on-one survey/needs assessment conducted by HACP’s Relocation Specialist.

However, if you choose to move before waiting to receive a Notice of Relocation from HACP, you may lose or forfeit your eligibility to receive relocation assistance.

Will we still pay the same utilities (gas, electric...etc) that we do now?

Yes, the utilities will be the same.

Are we responsible for paying utilities in the temporary unit? Will we pay the same utilities in the temporary unit that we pay now?

Residents may or may not be responsible for paying the same utilities in their temporary unit. This will depend on the relocation option that is selected.

Will we have to transfer and set up all of the utilities when we move?


Will we be required to pay transfer fees for our utilities? Internet and cable, too?

The relocation assistance available to residents will be discussed in upcoming meetings.

Do we get half of the relocation assistance payment upfront and the other half after you move, or do we receive it all at one time?

The relocation assistance available to residents will be discussed in upcoming meetings.

What services will be available for seniors and persons with disabilities?

HACP will provide services to accommodate seniors and persons with disabilities based on the needs that are identified in the survey/needs assessment. The relocation assistance available to residents will be discussed in upcoming meetings.

What if we do not want to return to Manchester? Could we move somewhere else?

All current residents have the right to return to the redeveloped property. You are not required to return; however, please wait until you receive further instruction from HACP, including the Notice of Relocation, so that you remain eligible for relocation assistance payments and services. You do not need to move now.

If HUD is changing the way it provides rental assistance to the property from public housing to a long-term Section 8 contract, these units will now be Section 8 vouchers instead of public housing?

Yes, the rental assistance for the 86 units in Manchester will now be funded by HUD’s Section 8 Project Based Voucher program subsidy instead of funded by HUD’s Public Housing program.

There is a difference between a Section 8 Project Based Voucher (PBV) and a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV). The Section 8 HCV, which is more commonly known, provides a voucher that voucher-holders can take with them to find a place to live of their choosing. These vouchers provide a “housing choice.” The Manchester Redevelopment will not be providing Section 8 HCVs to residents.

Rather, the Manchester Redevelopment will be utilizing Section 8 PBV funding. This means that residents of these units do not take this Section 8 subsidy with them when they move out. The PBV subsidy stays with the unit. It is “project based.” One year after the conversion, any resident requesting to move can request a "Choice Mobility" voucher.

If we will be Section 8 tenants instead of public housing tenants, will our new lease be a Section 8 lease? Is the Section 8 lease a one-year lease or two?

Yes, the Section 8 lease will have a one-year term.

Will our recertification dates in 2021 be affected because of the temporary relocation?

Recertification dates are expected to change in 2021. Residents will be notified.

Do you have to qualify and be approved for a Section 8 voucher to remain in Manchester?

No, there will be no rescreening of the eligibility of current residents. All current residents have the right to return to the redeveloped property after the rental assistance has been converted to Section 8 PBV subsidy.  Current residents will not be required to meet the Section 8 eligibility requirements to return to Manchester.

If I have relatives who want to get on the waiting list for Manchester, will they have to qualify for a Section 8 voucher in order to move in to one of these units?

Yes, when the waiting list for the redeveloped property opens after the rehabilitation is complete and the property is converted to Section 8 PBV rental assistance, all new applicants must be eligible to qualify for a Section 8 PBV unit.

If someone wants to apply to live in Manchester after it becomes Section 8, will they have to apply downtown or will they apply at the Management Office in Manchester?

Once the waiting list reopens, residents will apply at the Management Office in Manchester.

Where can I find the Section 8 voucher qualifications/eligibility requirements?

The Section 8 eligibility requirements can be found in HACP’s Admin Plan (page 35) on our website.

As a reminder, current residents of Manchester will not be rescreened in order to return to the redeveloped property.

If I decide to move out of Manchester on my own, I can’t come back to the property? If I don’t qualify for Section 8, there is no guarantee of my return?

If you move before instruction from HACP, you will forfeit your right to relocation assistance payments and services.

Will there be an option to buy these units?

HACP’s Homeownership Program will continue to be available for all residents who wish to purchase a home.  HACP is still exploring options as it relates to the 86 units. At this time, the option to purchase these units is not available.

Are you switching from the Housing Authority to a RAD program, or is it still the Housing Authority?

HACP is utilizing the RAD conversion tool as a way to lock-in affordability and funding for capital improvements.  The property will be owned by an affiliate of the HACP; however, HACP manages the PBV program. Day-to-day management and maintenance of the property is still under review.

Will the management be switching over to someone else? Will we be able to meet with them? Do we get to choose whether we want them or not?

The units will be managed by a new property manager procured by HACP. Residents may be able to meet the property manager in an upcoming resident meeting, and can be notified of this meeting date.

When we move back, will the same maintenance procedures be in place (ie. grass cutting, emergency repairs, etc.)?

Maintenance services will be provided by the procured management company.

Will I still be responsible for renters insurance after the RAD conversion?


What will we do about our mail while we are temporarily relocated? Will it be forwarded to our temporary address or will there be a mail slot in Manchester where we can pick it up on a daily basis?

Your mailing address can be temporarily changed through the post office. Residents will submit a change of address to the post office to notify that they have moved.

Will we receive certified mail for all notices? I am not always home to sign to receive the certified mail.

All future notices will be mailed via certified mail and regular mail at the same time. This way, all residents will still receive the notice at the same time even if they have not yet been home to sign for it. 

Will our tax money go toward fixing up these units?

HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program is a federally-funded program that allows housing authorities to convert their public housing units to Project Based Section 8 units to Project Based Section 8 Voucher units.

Will there be a Tenant Council member involved with the development planning and be on the Board to have a say-so in what goes on with the residents?

All current residents are partners in this redevelopment process. We will share all information with all residents of the community affected by the rehabilitation.

When and where will the next Tenant Council meeting be?

Tenant Council meetings take place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at PA-Bidwell.

Are we going to be informed of everything that’s going on step-by-step? How do you receive feedback from us?

There is no deadline for submitting your input. The best way to obtain information and provide feedback to HACP, which is highly encouraged, is to attend regular resident meetings.

You can also submit your questions, comments, concerns, and recommendations for improvements to your unit on this resident webpage below.

Community Input

  • We encourage you to inform us of your recommendations for improvements to your unit so that these items can be added for consideration to the scope of work for the rehabilitation.