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CLOSED, Awarded
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby request proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):
Bathtub Replacement Authority Wide
Issue Date:
Oct 15, 2012 09:58 amMeeting Date:
Oct 29, 2012 11:00 amDeadline Date:
Nov 6, 2012 11:00 am
CLOSED, Awarded
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby request proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):
Multiple Insurance Lines
The documents will be available no later than October 15, 2012 and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until 10:00 A.M., November 5, 2012 at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped at 100 Ross Street 2nd floor, suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
Issue Date:
Oct 14, 2012 04:00 pmMeeting Date:
Oct 26, 2012 10:00 amDeadline Date:
Nov 16, 2012 10:00 am
CLOSED, Awarded
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby request proposals from qualified property owners and developers pursuant to the project based voucher (PBV) Program:
Project-Based Voucher Program
Proposals will be considered in up to four rounds following each of the submittal deadlines included in the RFP. Proposals to be considered in the first round must be submitted to the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, Office of Procurement, 100 Ross St. Second Fl. Pittsburgh, PA, 15219 no later than 3:00 P.M. on October, 25, 2012.
The documents will be available no later than October 8, 2012 and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until 3:00 P.M., October 25, 2012 at 100 Ross Street 2nd floor, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped.
Issue Date:
Oct 8, 2012 12:18 pmMeeting Date:
Oct 17, 2012 02:00 pmDeadline Date:
Oct 25, 2012 03:00 pm
RFP/RFQ#450-27-12 Rebid
CLOSED, Awarded
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby request proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):
Criminal Background Checks Rebid
RFP#450-27-12 Rebid
The documents will be available no later than Monday, October 8, 2012 and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until 1:00 P.M., October 29, 2012 at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped at 100 Ross Street 2nd floor, suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
Issue Date:
Oct 8, 2012 08:41 amMeeting Date:
Oct 19, 2012 01:00 pmDeadline Date:
Nov 1, 2012 01:00 pm
CLOSED, Awarded
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH will receive sealed bids for REPLACEMENT OF PLUMBING LINES AT CARRICK REGENCY (PA-1-46). The construction work is estimated to begin in March 2013.
The estimated values of the project per prime are in the following ranges:
General Construction $105,400-$155,000 Plumbing Construction $435,200-638,300
Bid Documents will be available no later than October 1, 2012 for a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Bid Documents, including bid forms, project manual, and drawings can be picked up in person, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Attn: Mr. Kim Detrick – Contract Manager
A Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit will be held on October 10, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
2129 Brownsville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15210
A site visit will be conducted thereafter. Contractors shall come prepared to review all aspects of the site necessary to prepare a bid.
Bids will be received at:
HACP Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd FL.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Attn: Kim Detrick, Contract Manager
until 10:00 a.m. on October 29, 2012 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Issue Date:
Oct 1, 2012 10:09 amMeeting Date:
Oct 10, 2012 10:00 amDeadline Date:
Oct 29, 2012 10:00 am
IFB#600-37-12 P
CLOSED, Awarded
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH will receive sealed bids for Bathroom Tub Repair at the Addison Terrace Family Community. The estimated plumbing construction cost range is $150,000.00-$220,000.00. The work is estimated to begin in the winter of 2012.
Bid Documents will be available on or about Monday, September 24, 2012 for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Bid Documents, including bid forms and project manual can be picked up in person, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Kim Detrick, Contract Manager
Issue Date:
Sep 24, 2012 03:34 pmMeeting Date:
Oct 4, 2012 11:00 amDeadline Date:
Oct 18, 2012 11:00 am
CLOSED, Awarded
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH will receive sealed bids for the entrance renovations for the Allegheny Dwellings Family Community. The estimate construction cost range is $291,000.00 - $427,000.00. The work is estimated to begin in the Spring of 2013.
Bid Documents will be available on or about Monday, September 24, 2012 for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Bid Documents, including bid forms, project manual, and drawings can be picked up in person, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Kim Detrick, Contract Manager
Issue Date:
Sep 24, 2012 03:18 pmMeeting Date:
Oct 5, 2012 02:00 pmDeadline Date:
Oct 24, 2012 12:00 pm
CLOSED, Awarded
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH will receive sealed bids for the Section 504/UFAS Accessible Site Work to the Boxing Gymnasium at Allegheny Dwellings Family Community. The estimate construction cost range is $18,000.00 - $26,000.00. The work is estimated to begin in the fall of 2012.
Bid Documents will be available on or about Monday, September 17, 2012 for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Bid Documents, including bid forms, project manual, and drawings can be picked up in person, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Kim Detrick, Contract Manager
Issue Date:
Sep 17, 2012 11:53 amMeeting Date:
Oct 1, 2012 11:00 amDeadline Date:
Oct 18, 2012 11:30 am
IFB#600-34-12 G, H, E, P
CLOSED, Cancelled
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH will receive sealed bids for the Section 504/UFAS Unit Reconfiguration at Pressley Street High-Rise Apartments, PA-1-17. The work is estimated to begin in the fall of 2012. The estimate construction cost range are as follows:
General Construction: $37,000.00 – $54,000.00
HVAC: $8,200.00 - $12,000.00
Plumbing: $8,000.00 - $12,000.00
Electrical: $12,000.00 - $18,000.00
Bid Documents will be available on or about Wednesday, September 19, 2012 for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Bid Documents, including bid forms, project manual, and drawings can be picked up in person, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Kim Detrick, Contract Manager
Issue Date:
Sep 17, 2012 11:39 amMeeting Date:
Oct 3, 2012 02:00 pmDeadline Date:
Oct 29, 2012 02:00 pm
IFB#600-36-12 G, E, P, H
CLOSED, Awarded
THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH will receive sealed bids for VARIOUS UPGRADES AT MORSE GARDENS HIGH-RISE (PA-1-45). The construction work is estimated to begin in March 2013.
The estimated values of the project per prime are in the following ranges:
General Construction $1,5000.000 - $2,200.000 Plumbing Construction $30,000 -44,000
Electrical Construction $330,000 - $480,000 HVAC Construction $19,000- 28,000
Bid Documents will be available no later than September 20, 2012 for a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Bid Documents, including bid forms, project manual, and drawings can be picked up in person, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Attn: Mr. Kim Detrick – Contract Manager
Issue Date:
Sep 17, 2012 11:30 amMeeting Date:
Oct 3, 2012 11:00 amDeadline Date:
Oct 29, 2012 03:00 pm