Notice of Revised Flat Rent Schedule & Amendment to 2014 Annual Plan
Public Notice of Revised Flat Rent Schedule and
Amendment to the 2014 Annual Plan
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) is required by Federal Regulations to establish a Flat Rent Schedule for all public housing units and to allow public housing tenants to choose between paying the Flat Rent amount or a rent determined by formula based upon the family’s income. On May 19, 2014, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued Notice PIH 2014-12 implementing changes to Flat Rent Requirements and clarifying HUD’s interpretation of provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 relating to public housing flat rents. This clarifying interpretation required that HACP make amendments to its flat rent schedule, and also required HACP to amend its 2014 Annual Plan to reflect these changes.
The revised HACP Flat Rent Schedule and Annual Plan Amendment is available for review and comment from June 23, 2014 to July 23, 2014 at the following locations:
- Download revised HACP Flat Rent Schedule & Annual Plan Amendment;
- HACP Operations Department 200 Ross St. 6th Floor, Pittsburgh Pa 15219;
- HACP Management Offices
A Public Hearing to receive public comments on the revised HACP Flat Rent Schedule and Annual Plan Amendment will be held on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 12:00 p.m., and at 6:00 p.m. at 200 Ross St., 9th floor Board Room.
Written comments on the proposed revisions to the revised HACP Flat Rent Schedule and Annual Plan Amendment must be addressed to “Attention: HACP Flat Rent Schedule/Annual Plan Amendment” at HACP Department of Operations, Asset Management, 200 Ross St. 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, and must be received by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, 2014.
Persons with disabilities requiring assistance or alternative formats, or wishing to make comments in alternative formats, can contact the HACP ADA/504 Coordinator at 412-456-5020, Extension 2504; TTY 412-201-5384.