Public Notice: Opening of Sandstone Quarry Waiting List & Closing of Various Public Housing Waiting Lists
Effective at the start of the business day Tuesday, March 12, 2019, the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) will open the waiting lists for the Project Based Voucher Site Based Community:
- Sandstone Quarry Apartments – (1 and 2-bedroom only) – 15212 – (former site of Sandusky Court in Allegheny Dwellings)
Not all households will be eligible for a 1 or 2-bedroom unit, as the age, gender and relationships of household members affect the number of bedrooms for which a household is eligible. Income and eligibility restrictions of the Housing Choice Voucher Program apply.
Pre-applications can be submitted in person to the HACP Occupancy Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., mailed to the address below, or faxed to 412-456-5182. For information about obtaining a pre-application for Sandstone Quarry Apartments, please contact the Occupancy Department at 412-456-5030.
Position on the waiting list will be determined based upon the date and time stamp received once the completed pre-application is submitted to the Occupancy Department.
Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations to submit a pre-application can contact the HACP’s Disability Compliance Office at 412-456-5282. For those that are deaf or hard of hearing, you can also contact HACP at TDD: 412-201-5384.
This event is for Project Based Vouchers for Sandstone Quarry Apartments ONLY and is completely separate from the HACP Housing Choice Voucher and Low Income Public Housing Programs.
Effective Monday, March 18, 2019, at 2:00 p.m., HACP will close the waiting lists for the following Low Income Public Housing Sites to all persons/families except those who require the features of a wheelchair accessible unit:
- Bedford Dwellings (1-bedroom) • Allegheny Dwellings (1-bedroom) • Arlington Heights (1-bedroom)
Only pre-applications from persons/families that require the features of a wheelchair accessible unit will be accepted after the closing date and time.
Please be advised that part of HACP’s eligibility determination process includes the provisions of its reasonable accommodation policy, requiring families to request an accommodation to qualify a person/family for a wheelchair accessible unit. For more information on HACP’s reasonable accommodation policy and qualification for a wheelchair accessible unit, please contact the Disability Compliance Office at 412-456-5282.
Public notice will be provided when the HACP determines to re-open the waiting lists for these sites.