Homeownership Program Update
HACP is pleased to provide the following update regarding the status of our homeownership program; which we are modifying and planning to relaunch in 2022.
The homeownership program aims to expand and provide opportunities for low-income families and families having members with disabilities to purchase a home in the City of Pittsburgh. The program also seeks to help HACP residents build wealth and move towards self-sufficiency.
Provided in the attached documents are components of the program and information regarding a new product to be offered in conjunction with the City of Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Additionally, you will find a view-only copy of the calculator used to establish the amount an applicant may be eligible to receive from HACP, as well as an example of how that calculation would work. The calculator also includes a hover-over feature that allows the viewer to understand the components within the calculator.
View the Homeownership Income Calculator
Download the MTW Homeownership Program Update – Nov. 2021
HACP will be accepting questions or comments regarding the update beginning on November 18, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 29, 2021. Questions or comments may be emailed to: home.ownership@hacp.org.