Opening of Waiting List – Cornerstone Village (four-bedroom units)
Effective Monday, December 7, 2020, at 8:00 a.m., the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) will open the waiting list for the following Project Based Voucher Site Based Community:
- Cornerstone Village – (four bedrooms only) – 185 Larimer Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
Not all households will be eligible for a four bedroom unit, as the age, gender and relationships of household members affect the number of bedrooms for which a household is eligible. Income and eligibility restrictions of the Housing Choice Voucher Program apply.
Pre-applications for Cornerstone Village will be accepted online ONLY at: https://hacp.myhousing.com/ and can be submitted from any computer, laptop or smartphone with internet access. No pre-applications will be accepted before 8:00 a.m., Monday, December 7, 2020. Printed pre-applications will not be available at any of the HACP properties or offices.
Position on the waiting list will be determined based upon date and time the completed pre-application is accepted by the on-line system.
Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations to submit a pre-application can contact the HACP’s Disability Compliance Office at 412-456-5282. For those that are deaf or hard of hearing, you can also contact HACP at TDD: 412-201-5384.
Additional information is available by contacting the HACP Occupancy Department at 412-456-5030.
This event is for four bedroom Project Based Vouchers for Cornerstone Village ONLY and is completely separate from the HACP Housing Choice Voucher and Low Income Public Housing Programs.