Project Based Vouchers Phases 1-4: Phase 1
Project Based Vouchers Phases 1-4: Phase 1
RFP/RFQ#125-01-24 Project Based Vouchers Phases 1-4: Phase 1
CLOSED, Pending Award
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (“HACP”) requests proposals from qualified property owners and/or developers (including non-profits and Community Development Corporations) under the Project-Based Voucher (“PBV”) Program. The HACP’s PBV program is designed to conform to the Project-Based Voucher Program Final Rule published on October 13, 2005, Federal Regulations at 24 CFR Part 983 as modified by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Federal Register Notice 73 FR 71037), other applicable Notices from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the implementing provisions of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (Federal Register Notices 82 FR 2458 and 82 FR 32461).
Issue Date:
Feb 20, 2024 10:00 pmMeeting Date:
Feb 29, 2024 10:00 amDeadline Date:
Mar 12, 2024 10:00 amProcurement Details:
HACP will consider award of approximately 200 units of housing under this solicitation to be awarded to the successful property owners and/or developers.
HACP is undertaking this solicitation to expand the available housing choices for low and moderate income families in Pittsburgh; to spur development of quality housing in areas where HACP is planning or undertaking redevelopment, where quality housing affordable to such households is not readily available, in neighborhoods of opportunity, and to expand the availability of affordable, quality rental housing in a tightening local real estate rental market.
The only assistance available and to be considered through this process is PBV assistance. Any other elements of a proposed project, such as use of HACP or other publicly or privately owned property, or a need for gap or other financing support beyond the project based voucher assistance, should be addressed separately from the proposals submitted in response to this RFP.
There is no gap funding or other financing support available through this solicitation! Owners/developers seeking gap financing in addition to Project Based Voucher assistance should respond to HACP’s separate RFP for PBV plus Gap financing.
Contact Information:
Mr. Kim Detrick
Senior Procurement Director/Chief Contracting Officer
Procurement Department
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
412-456-5007 (Fax) (For Questions only)
kim.detrick@hacp.org (For Questions only)
Question Deadline:
Mar 5, 2024 10:00 amBid Instructions:
HACP will accept online submissions for this Request for Proposals in addition to accepting submissions at our 412 Boulevard of the Allies office. For respondents wishing to submit online, please go to the following web address to upload documents:
Please include your name and email address when prompted before submitting and upload all relevant attachments in the same document. Formatting for online submission should be organized in the same manner as submitting the information via flash drive. The title of the uploaded bid shall be as follows:
[Full Company Name]_RFP #125-01-24_ Project Based Vouchers Phases 1 – 4_Technical
[Full Company Name]_RFP #125-01-24_ Project Based Vouchers Phases 1 – 4_Fee Proposal
In the unlikely event your bid is too large to be uploaded as a single file, add: _Part-1, _Part-2… etc. to the end of the file name.
In addition to the electronic submittal above, The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical proposals dropped off in person from 8:00 AM until the closing time of time of 10:00 A.M on March 12,2024.
Architects and Engineers, Construction Management, Developers, Development Services, General A&E Services, Interior Design, Property Management, Real-Estate Services, Urban PlanningProcurement Documents
Feb 21, 2024