Construction Training (Trade Institute of Pittsburgh)
October 6, 2017
Looking for a free opportunity in training in masonry:
Stability, Humility, and Accountability
- Stressing the importance and benefits of taking responsibility for your words & actions
- Demonstrate the respect and accountability you wish to receive in the world
- Develop skills for time management, task prioritization, handling constructive feedback, dealing with conflict, and setting expectations
Hands on Skill Building
- Individual and Small Group instruction from general laboring to brick and block masonry
- Learning how to lead and follow on standard project work
- Frequent testing and demonstrations showcasing fundamentals and self-directed projects that can be translated to livable wage jobs
Job placement in a Livable Wage
- Strength finding to help students understand the unique and valuable contributions they can make in any environment (personal & professional)
- Minimum job requirements assessed (skills, transportation, etc.) and collaboratively solved with student in the lead position
- Interview preparation and assisted job placement
- Wages starting at $15+