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The services provided to residents and the overall administration of HACP are conducted by professionals within various departments of the Authority. Read more below about any of the departments listed for information on their roles and responsibilities within the HACP organization.

Community Affairs

The Community Affairs Department serves as HACP’s information liaison between the media, public, residents and HACP staff. The department strives to highlight the many positive aspects of public housing while challenging the myths and misconceptions with which it is often associated. The Community Affairs Department is also responsible for coordinating special programs and projects, such as the highly acclaimed Clean Slate Program, the Creative Arts Corner and the Clean Slate E3 Scholarship Program.

Development & Modernization

The Development and Modernization Department is responsible for developing plans, identifying resources and implementing capital improvements, as well as managing public and/or private partnership opportunities to assure the value, effective use and proper management of our real estate assets. This department manages the major rehabilitation of infrastructures and facilities, demolition and site development, as well as non-routine repairs and upgrades of HACP buildings and property.


The Finance Department oversees the Authority’s budget. Throughout the year, the department reviews, evaluates, and analyzes the activities of the agency to ensure that expenditures adhere to budgets. The department records all HACP business transactions and monitors HACP’s financial activities, while producing approximately 50,000 checks per year for payroll, accounts payable and Housing Choice Voucher Program subsidy payments.

Human Resources

The Human Resources Department is responsible for all employment-related activities including benefits administration, hiring and separation activities, workers’ compensation and safety programs, labor relations administration, internal training, employee file maintenance and policy implementation. The department serves HACP’s administration and its departments, and provides services directly to employees.


The Legal Department is responsible for representing HACP in a variety of administrative and civil litigation matters. The department’s goal is to protect the interests of HACP and promote up-front consultations to avoid litigation. Practice areas include tenant-landlord matters, construction contract compliance and administration, human resources and employment law issues, liability claims, statutory and regulatory compliance, real estate development, and a myriad of other fields.

Facility Services

The Facilities Services Department conducts inspections, performs repairs, and ensures that HACP units are clean, mechanically safe, and ready for residents. This guarantees that HACP homes meet our comprehensive quality standards. The department maintains over 100 acres and 6,000 apartments in more than 20 sites throughout the City. This responsibility requires the department to be able to respond to any routine maintenance needs a resident might encounter.


The Occupancy Department is the first point of contact for prospective tenants and is responsible for processing applications for both the Low-income Housing Program, and for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Occupancy staff assists applicants in understanding the different housing programs and the eligibility criteria for each. They also have administrative responsibility for collecting and evaluating housing applications to assure compliance with government regulations and Housing Authority policies that govern our tenant selection process.

Resident Self-Sufficiency

The Resident Self-Sufficiency Department is responsible for providing supportive service coordination and case management programming for our residents. The RSS staff is responsible for identifying community needs and gaps in service delivery, as well as developing relationships that benefit the residents participating in our housing programs. The department also provides management to residents participating in both our conventional housing and Housing Choice Voucher program. A major goal of the department is to facilitate self-sufficiency among residents.

Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly known as Section 8) provides a rental subsidy to low-income individuals and families. Through the program, tenants may pay 30-40 percent of their net monthly income to a private landlord, with the remainder of the rent covered by HACP. The department has administrative responsibility for annual recertification of tenants and annual Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections.


The Procurement Department is responsible for the buying of goods and services for the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh in accordance with the regulations set forth by HUD. The department provides purchase-processing management; conducts outreach to vendors to help the Authority take advantage of savings opportunities; and, handles the negotiation and creation of Authority-wide contracts. The department also provides training and quality assurance for: procurement tools, contract management, central warehouse management, and invoice process management.

Public Safety

The Public Safety Department’s mission is to provide peaceful, safe and enjoyable communities for Low-Income Housing, Housing Choice Voucher Program properties and Scattered Sites residents. The Department is a multi-faceted entity that approaches the task of keeping Housing Authority property safe and secure from various angles. The Public Safety Department works closely with local law enforcement agencies. It assists in both the apprehension and prosecution of criminal offenders and takes independent actions when necessary against criminals who perpetrate crimes against the Housing Authority and its residents.

Public Notices

Cold Weather Office Closure – Jan. 21, 2025

January 19, 2025

PLEASE SHARE: Due to the forecasted severe weather expected next week, HACP will be closing its offices for in-person services, including the One-Stop Shop at 412 Blvd of the Allies, and site offices on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, and potentially …

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January 2025 Board of Commissioners Meeting

January 14, 2025

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh is holding its January 2025 Board of Commissioners Meeting at 10:30 A.M. Thursday, January 23, 2025. The hybrid meeting will be held both with limited in-person attendance and virtually via Zoom. The agenda …

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HACP to Open Multiple Project-Based Voucher Site-Based Waitlists on Wed. January 22, 2025

January 7, 2025

Effective Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. until Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 3:00 p.m., the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) will be accepting pre-applications online ONLY for the following Project Based Voucher Site Based Communities: …

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