HACP Homeownership Program Relaunch
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) is pleased to announce that effective Monday, May 16, 2022, 8:00 a.m., the HACP will relaunch our Homeownership Program.
The HACP Homeownership Program aims to expand and provide opportunities for low to moderately low income families and families having members with disabilities to purchase a home in the City of Pittsburgh. The program also seeks to help HACP residents build wealth and move toward self sufficiency.
Please review the Homeownership PowerPoint and the MTW homeownership program update on the HACP website at https://hacp.org/housing/home-ownership/ for program eligibility criteria.
Additional information is available by contacting HACP’s Homeownership Administrator, Titus Morris at home.ownership@hacp.org.